as an extension to the continued first tutorial with Jonathan Kearney I add to the sentences so far:
(the painting progresses further, header image detailing line)
Sentences on the line by J Waring Rago:
(second draft)
a line is a dot which has grown
straight lines suggest structure, particularly lines in parallel
an edge is usually misrepresented by a line
the horizon is a line
a circle is a single line
a circular line encloses
circles are easy to draw
a perfect circle is not easy to draw
a straight line is easy to draw
a perfectly straight line is not easy to draw
lines flow
lines give direction
a line is temporal
a horizontal line is one thing, a vertical line an entirely different thing
a diagonal line is dynamic
a line can be strong or weak or anywhere in between
a line may be quick or slow
a line denotes flat
a line denotes not-flat
a line can become a wave
a line can last forever
a line carries its origin within it
anyone can draw a line
a line is not necessarily drawn using the hand
many many more sentences can be written about the line
the above sentences are to be read in no particular order, hence they are not numbered
I shall add to these sentences as I go
the three dots signify a pause at the end of the last sentences. I may well repeat myself as I go but that will be interesting in itself, I think – all this with the intention of reviewing and further curating this list in the future:
the line may not exist at all
the line depends entirely on its context
the line emerges out of its context
the line is also the space between lines
no one line is ever exactly the same as another
the line is a trajectory
the line can be the thought of it
line is both thing and action (noun and verb)
a line is a thread
the line is the thread
the line is potentially infinite
parallel lines never meet
crosshatching is made of lines, so line can be tone
line comes from line, as in linen
line and linen are related, so linseed oil is related to line
a line is a linen thread
lines can be woven
lines make a mesh
lines make a grid