for my information – some essential admin re Summer Show

Below, our instructions, received by email from Jonathan: attached are the important documents that you need in planning the MA Summer Shows: – MA Select Show application form (deadline Monday 1 July 10.00 UK time) – MA Summer Show official PDF invite – you can send this to friends, family and contacts – Risk Assessment […]

Critical Evaluation for Group Tutorial: Future-Focused

Critical Evaluation (Future-Focused) – text prepared for group tutorial session Thursday 13th June 2019: The MA Summer Show preparation has allowed me to consolidate an idea that was embedded in my work from the outset: the painting plus its video as a single module of installation. I intend to continue this trajectory already having further oil paintings […]

Symposium 2

Symposium 2 video for presentation, 30th May 2019; with transcript below: Transcript: A painting is an aesthetic entity; it exists as it is and that is enough. But for me it has also not been enough as I have asked myself all along as to why the painting is as it is, rather than any […]