The painting as it is now

The large painting has undergone much transformation from its simple beginnings. Its present state is: My head is overflowing with ideas as to where I can take this, so better to do a load of references in notes to self at the end of this post because writing it all up would be just too much […]

Painting – a continuum

    A priority is to keep up the production of new paintings as a continuum. The internal discipline of my studio practice is very much in contrast to that of my attendance at and participation in the residency. My studio practice requires an intense self-discipline and internal energy to ensure that work is actually and continuously […]

And We Begin Again

Beginning the next painting, (125 x 127 cm, oil on aluminium) So here you are and we begin again you are beautiful just as you are I turn you around and around all ways I would like to keep you forever just like this but I can only have you for a short time because […]


Moving forward with the GIF animations I have been doing much experimentation; creating sequences and cycles. There is so much to explore just in this very simple format, which can potentially be projected onto a wall – it offers itself to a boundless scaling up or down, to treatment according to the nature of a […]

Timeline and the Cyclical

The painting is moving towards its inevitable, though always unpredictable conclusion.  I stand back and evaluate using the digital images, re-evaluating the picture.  To refresh the situation, I revisit the consideration of the picture’s orientation. From the beginning, I factored flexibility of orientation of the painting. I begin to see a preferred orientation emerging, perhaps, I […]

Post for Second Symposium

My previous post gave the background (with a lot of technical stuff too) for my exhibit at 2 Girls Gallery. The exhibit consisted of a small 25 x 25cm, oil on aluminium painting and a digital animation, duration just over 2 minutes. which I would like to demonstrate here. So please see below the two items, along […]

TIMELINE 1 – The Temporality and Potential Endlessness of the Line

Waring Rago Studio still – painting sequence captured photographically, as stills, desktop printed and laid out in sequence next to OMPHALOS by Nicholas Gulig. I have been thinking about the Line – all the things that a line is/can be/might be/represents – and in the manner of Sol LeWitt’s Sentences on Conceptual Art (as Jonathan […]