The Integrity of Line

The drawings below were all made freehand, with a basic mouse, no other aid. I call them mouse drawings. At the time I was interested in the possibility of inventing a series (alphabet-like) of protoforms suggestive of different habitats or dwelling places, structured line by line. Like building a skeleton, external and internal. In every case, […]


    Thread  a theme or characteristic running throughout a situation or piece of writing. “a major thread running through the book is the primacy of form over substance” synonyms: train of thought, drift, direction, sense, theme, subject matter, motif, tenor, strain, thrust, subject, gist, burden, action; More

Membrane 3

    Notes to self: weaving//fabric of shared descent//loom//lines//linen//oil//evolution//anthropology//poiesis//pictopoiesis//source//origin

Ten Thousand Lines, at Least

It has taken several days to structure the latest passage of paint, as shown below. The header image is the whole work as it is today. The limit of its fineness is reached when the oil paint becomes sticky due to its oxidation.  I have never counted as I go – that would be too arduous […]