
Painting in progress, and without it being predetermined, a cloud suggests itself. I orientate the work in different ways. The cloud, like the thought of it itself, subject to constant reformation. Its behaviour governed by conditions around it, near and far, of atmosphere, weather and climate. Everyone knows clouds.     I have already journeyed from the earthed […]

This latest shape comes into being

I have just created a new level of the painting. It has taken 3 days to create and I would like to review it with practopoiesis in mind. All based on lines*, the refinement of this new passage of paint ended only when after three days the paint had stiffened (through its oxidation) to make further […]

Microcosm, Macrocosm

The translucent spheroids are one of the means by which the painting’s narrative is made; they are as permeable veils connecting all directions and planes, so contributing to the sense of depth. I also begin to see these same spheroids as lenses – as if a plano-convex lens were pressed to the surface to reveal […]

Free Education exhibition

At the very beginning of term, I sent a small scale experimental gif as a submission to the Central St Martins UAL Students Union call for exhibits for their current FREE EDUCATION protest and exhibition at the CSM SU Gallery The work was selected and I was able to participate and connect without the immense task […]