Submission for 30-second long video for Mini Pop-up show, IMPROMPTU 2.0 on Wednesday 20 March 16.00 – room A220 Camberwell College of Art UAL: Title: MORPHEUS
Tag: shape
This latest shape comes into being
I have just created a new level of the painting. It has taken 3 days to create and I would like to review it with practopoiesis in mind. All based on lines*, the refinement of this new passage of paint ended only when after three days the paint had stiffened (through its oxidation) to make further […]
The painting begins
In the first stage of the painting, I begin to set down shapes Shape: Specifically, it is an enclosed space, the boundaries of which are defined by other elements of art. Shapes are limited to two dimensions: length and width. These shapes grow from within. Each one feels its own extension and is aware of […]
Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]