unedited, unpunctuated stream of thought/free verse concerning the painting and its making: (image below is detail of top right-hand area of the painting in the header of this post, in its present state) chalazae cultivating to somehow suspend and span the unbounded whole this invisible somehow most real by its corporeality paint is corporeal its body […]
Tag: poem
Post for Second Symposium
My previous post gave the background (with a lot of technical stuff too) for my exhibit at 2 Girls Gallery. The exhibit consisted of a small 25 x 25cm, oil on aluminium painting and a digital animation, duration just over 2 minutes. which I would like to demonstrate here. So please see below the two items, along […]
TIMELINE 1 – The Temporality and Potential Endlessness of the Line
Waring Rago Studio still – painting sequence captured photographically, as stills, desktop printed and laid out in sequence next to OMPHALOS by Nicholas Gulig. I have been thinking about the Line – all the things that a line is/can be/might be/represents – and in the manner of Sol LeWitt’s Sentences on Conceptual Art (as Jonathan […]
Sentences on the Line (continued)
Sentences on the line (contd): I may repeat a sentence The sentence is never the same again These sentences are not rules, These sentences are elemental These sentences are elementary These sentences have endless progression These sentences contain endless expansion Many lines can represent that which a single line does not Many lines can represent […]
To do is to make, is to be
I feel that things are beginning to confirm themselves, clarifying the direction of my project – I am beginning to structure the proposal and shall write it up in a post soon. Jonathan’s Methodology lecture has helped in clarifying some matters that had been going around without anchor, in my mind for a long time, years […]
Free Education exhibition
At the very beginning of term, I sent a small scale experimental gif as a submission to the Central St Martins UAL Students Union call for exhibits for their current FREE EDUCATION protest and exhibition at the CSM SU Gallery The work was selected and I was able to participate and connect without the immense task […]
Becoming itself
In the studio: The painting has progressed and been photographed at each phase. I now have a procession of images – and am currently processing them – I choose this word having still in mind Tuesday’s online Processing workshop (see page titled Processing in this blog) The animation below begins to unfold the picture’s narrative further […]
Bound Together in a Digital Age
I constantly reflect on this: The beauty of being able to connect with anyone in the world through the digital (our Skypes chats) is surely one of the great poems of our times – we are all alive and telling each other so, each in our unique individual way – a scenario which has perhaps, the potential […]
Symposium 1
A reflection first: This first symposium was hugely rewarding, hearing about the others on my course and having the chance to introduce my own work. I have revisited yesterday’s Skype session, as I am very keen to get to know everyone properly. The feeling of being connected, of having more and more in common with […]
I ask myself, I ask you
In the studio: next painting to be done, already primed (on aluminium). The painting has its full potential as it is now, here in front of me, in Negative Capability (potential is only that, the not-yet-realized, nothing more or less). The physicality of its presence is striking, as there is, as yet, no illusion to distract. […]