
The second of Paul Coldwell’s lectures, at the very beginning reminds me to talk again about gesture, which has to do with the body and is closely associated with painting and its directness. Vitruvian Man – the proportions of the human body according to Leonardo da Vinci I have already written about the circular gesture, […]

Indefinite Suspension and/or Conclusion?

  The painting, begun on 11th October, has been taken to a point where I am thinking of it as being finished. I have to look at it, reflect over a period of time to see if it gains strength in itself, or falls short and if so, work out in what way it seems […]

Timeline and the Cyclical

The painting is moving towards its inevitable, though always unpredictable conclusion.  I stand back and evaluate using the digital images, re-evaluating the picture.  To refresh the situation, I revisit the consideration of the picture’s orientation. From the beginning, I factored flexibility of orientation of the painting. I begin to see a preferred orientation emerging, perhaps, I […]

Post for Second Symposium

My previous post gave the background (with a lot of technical stuff too) for my exhibit at 2 Girls Gallery. The exhibit consisted of a small 25 x 25cm, oil on aluminium painting and a digital animation, duration just over 2 minutes. which I would like to demonstrate here. So please see below the two items, along […]

Navigating the World

I have always enjoyed experimenting with making simple artist books and included works on paper in my exhibition (notice folded paper exhibits in the two cases in the centre of the room) at Doncaster Museum and Art Gallery in 2016 I would like to re-evaluate the above in connection with PICTOPOIESIS. On the theme of navigation […]

Ten Thousand Lines, at Least

It has taken several days to structure the latest passage of paint, as shown below. The header image is the whole work as it is today. The limit of its fineness is reached when the oil paint becomes sticky due to its oxidation.  I have never counted as I go – that would be too arduous […]

Sentences on the Line (continued)

Sentences on the line (contd):   I may repeat a sentence The sentence is never the same again These sentences are not rules, These sentences are elemental These sentences are elementary These sentences have endless progression These sentences contain endless expansion Many lines can represent that which a single line does not Many lines can represent […]


as an extension to the continued first tutorial with Jonathan Kearney I add to the sentences so far: (the painting progresses further, header image detailing line) Sentences on the line by J Waring Rago: (second draft) a line is a dot which has grown straight lines suggest structure, particularly lines in parallel an edge is usually […]

First Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney (further reflections)

Jonathan drew my attention to some of the Sentences on  Conceptual Art by Sol Lewitt  -in particular sentences 19, 20 and 21, copied below. This interests me in that these come straight from the artist.  The sentences themselves are food for thought, as is also the idea of making a list of sentences about my own […]


Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]