Following on from the previous post, I continue thinking about Jason Gaiger’s question, Can a Painting have a Rhythm? Remembering a previous post looking at what the notion of rhythm might actually encompass, I move towards a consideration of the flow of the work. Also, I have in connection with the circular and spiral, a […]
Tag: Jason Gaiger
Can a Painting have a Rhythm?
Reading Jason Gaiger’s paper, Can a Painting have a Rhythm? some time ago has given me an axis of thought around which to re-orientate my own ideas concerning the implications of the circular gesture and its development into the spiral – something I touched on during the MA: this being a link to the Second […]
A Significant Difference
There is a significant difference in quality between the digital files I habitually post (as in 2nd image below) and the high res files (immediatley below). The high re files allow for closer scrutiny of fine detail (enlargement in the header image) giving a better idea of the painting (123 x 125 cm) in real life, not possible using the lower […]