Opening the door of the cage

  Painting in progress (header image) I have written about pictopiesis as a simplification, there is a filtering and distilling going on throughout. The synthesis, a sublation, is a simplification but not an over-simplification, as that would eventually lead nowhere if followed through. I am in a situation with the painting whereby it has an internal pictopoietic dialectic. […]

To do is to make, is to be

I feel that things are beginning to confirm themselves, clarifying the direction of my project – I am beginning to structure the proposal and shall write it up in a post soon. Jonathan’s Methodology lecture has helped in clarifying some matters that had been going around without anchor, in my mind for a long time, years […]

Unable to put into words

A bike ride across the fields a couple of evenings ago instigated some rudimentary snapshot photos of the dramatic sunset (I only had a pocket camera with me). I have uploaded them into my photo library and they sit amongst details of the painting in progress, posted on this blog. It struck me that there […]