And We Begin Again

Beginning the next painting, (125 x 127 cm, oil on aluminium) So here you are and we begin again you are beautiful just as you are I turn you around and around all ways I would like to keep you forever just like this but I can only have you for a short time because […]

First Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney (further reflections)

Jonathan drew my attention to some of the Sentences on  Conceptual Art by Sol Lewitt  -in particular sentences 19, 20 and 21, copied below. This interests me in that these come straight from the artist.  The sentences themselves are food for thought, as is also the idea of making a list of sentences about my own […]


Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]