Work in progress
There Was and there Never Was a Time Like this, oil on aluminium, 125 x 127 cm
Another post shared
By Betty Leung:
A Post Shared
by my fellow artist:
Rhythm – definition and etymology
Following on from the previous post, I continue thinking about Jason Gaiger’s question, Can a Painting have a Rhythm? Remembering a previous post looking at what the notion of rhythm might actually encompass, I move towards a consideration of the flow of the work. Also, I have in connection with the circular and spiral, a […]
Can a Painting have a Rhythm?
Reading Jason Gaiger’s paper, Can a Painting have a Rhythm? some time ago has given me an axis of thought around which to re-orientate my own ideas concerning the implications of the circular gesture and its development into the spiral – something I touched on during the MA: this being a link to the Second […]
Paintings in Progress
Several paintings in progress in the studio – I have to make best possible use of this time of year when conditions in the studio are optimal. The painting below does not look like anything other than itself. I can’t know how it will eventually look until it actually appears at its conclusion, so I […]
A form of reflection
Conclusion and Continuity
This blog, as the reflective journal specifically for my MA Fine Art Digital, recently successfully completed, has come to an end but I intend to continue it as a reflective blog, not wanting to create a discontinuity. My work roots itself in seeing the future as a matter of the continuously evolving past, such that […]
The importance of speaking up
shared post– when the poet showed his work to the queen