From rhythm to flow to flood and back again – a circular speculation flow /fləʊ/ Learn to pronounce verb verb: flow; 3rd person present: flows; past tense: flowed; past participle: flowed; gerund or present participle: flowing 1. (of a liquid, gas, or electricity) move steadily and continuously in a current or stream. “from here the river flows north” synonyms: run, move, go […]
Category: Works selected for show
Rhythm / ‘to flow’
Definition and etymology rhythm /ˈrɪð(ə)m/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: rhythm; plural noun: rhythms 1. a strong, regular repeated pattern of movement or sound. “Ruth listened to the rhythm of his breathing” synonyms: pattern, flow, tempo, regular features, recurrent nature “part of the normal rhythm of daily life” the systematic arrangement of musical sounds, principally according to duration and periodical stress. […]
Critical Evaluation for Group Tutorial: Future-Focused
Critical Evaluation (Future-Focused) – text prepared for group tutorial session Thursday 13th June 2019: The MA Summer Show preparation has allowed me to consolidate an idea that was embedded in my work from the outset: the painting plus its video as a single module of installation. I intend to continue this trajectory already having further oil paintings […]
There’s a Poem for That – TEDEd
The below is interesting, connecting with previous post and for correspondences with my own videos soon to be shown at the Summer show. Will post them up when completed – there are 9 of them, There’s a poem for That – the below being one from the TEDEd initiative:
The History of Writing
Being always interested in the origin of things this article caught my attention, prompting me to note down an exhibition I would like to visit this Summer at the British Library. Note to self: Before writing was invented poetry/song was performed, fluid. Then with writing it became fixed, the audience a more remote imagined presence; […]
Symposium 2 – reflecting on feedback
I have had some problems retrieving the Skype feedback of my online peers but one thing I remember was the feedback in terms of hearing my narration. I have discovered over the course of the MA that I really enjoy narrating. This has given me encouragement and impetus with respect to creating narratives to the […]
Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney 4.30pm Monday 20th May 2019: This tutorial, successfully undertaken online away from the studio was a chance to have a good chat with Jonathan concerning the Summer show. Fortunately I was in a position to have filled out the Summer Show Planning 2019 list on our wiki page, so we had […]
Titles for paintings
I have added dimensions and current titles to the images in the previous post. This naming of work is something I have talked about in a previous post. It is possible that the works will acquire additional titles in the future as they may reidentify themselves once they are fully in the world – much the […]
Getting things together
As seen below, I now have nine paintings ready for the Summer show. Another one is ongoing but I do not plan to include it, just keep working on it. Finishing a painting as far as shows are concerned means having also allowed for it to have dried, so it can be transported more easily […]
Painting into words
Above, the painting as it is now. I have to take a step back to decide whether it is completed or not. The following free verse, arises out of re-reading the painting, working through the layers of thought that are embodied in its poiesis: YOUR OWN MEANING (annotated for my own reference with spoken narration […]