Poetry of Ted Hughes

My fellow artist, MA peer and husband Alexis Rago has just received a couple of poetry books by Ted Hughes. Alexis particularly likes the Crow poems. Reading these poems prompted me to do some research on Ted Hughes’ psychology. I found this article containing a letter written by Hughes himself, offering first-hand insight. I specifically shared the article with Dwa, […]


Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney: 3.45pm Monday 12th November 2018 Jonathan was very supportive and encouraging. Now, just a day away from the Project Proposal and blog curation deadline, I am almost ready. I have learned much by re-reading all my posts over the last year. It has been a challenge to categorise as many of […]


Furniture poetry (link) Mmmm, so, what does a painting do when it is not being looked at? Note to self: It matters that it is in the world// whether it is looked at or not – it is there, to be looked at// waiting // waiting indefinitely// being an uncertainty//life defining//defined by it//make video painting poetry//reverse pictopoiesis?//mm […]

Exploring origins

Header image: Omphalos – finding new visual form for Nicholas Gulig’s poem ( links are shown in bold) Thinking about what Whitman means when he writes at the end of section 2 of Song of Myself, …you shall possess the origin of all poems…, I see we already possess it, that origin, it is still there, hidden in […]

Referencing William Kentridge

Our Skype chat Thursday featured William Kentridge. I already knew the three videos that Jonathan presented. Below are the two Kentridge videos that I cited in my research paper. Kentridge has worked things out by filtering them through himself, not taking things second hand and because of that, he is able to talk with a […]


Finally, with Jonathan’s help I got my Research Paper uploaded onto moodle.  So to relax briefly, a few recent photos and reflections, also to broaden my context here a little. We are in Lincolnshire, on Apple Day we can take our apples to be identified. Our dear neighbours have given us an apple tree in their garden, so […]


2nd One-to-One Research Paper tutorial with Gareth Polmeer Wednesday 26th September 2018 at 16.00: Tutorial was very helpful, and much appreciated Gareth’s insight, mostly in terms of clarifying the conclusion. Then I need to tidy it up throughout – so still plenty to do on it. Header image of the indoor garden I am cultivating […]

Unintentional Title

Almost Finished and Just Beginning – Looking at my previous post, unintentionally I have made a working title for an as-yet-untitled work, from a factual truth about its co-existence relative to another painting sitting here in the studio. Perhaps it is finished as it is. New lines of thought are opening out, this is what […]

Pictopoiesis, almost finished and just beginning

Still working intensely on the research statement. Unlike painting, where I see the whole of it at a time, in terms of its gestalt, in writing I can’t see the whole all at once, can only get to really know it over time – re-reading over and over. Returning from 6 weeks away from the […]