Category: Uncategorized
Thread a theme or characteristic running throughout a situation or piece of writing. “a major thread running through the book is the primacy of form over substance” synonyms: train of thought, drift, direction, sense, theme, subject matter, motif, tenor, strain, thrust, subject, gist, burden, action; More
Membrane 3
Notes to self: weaving//fabric of shared descent//loom//lines//linen//oil//evolution//anthropology//poiesis//pictopoiesis//source//origin
Suspending (at 6×6) the Facing the Wall experimental sequence developed in previous posts; the above renames the initial 8×8 wall as, Membrane. Note to self: lipids, oils// biological membrane
Facing the Wall (6×6)
now you are thirty-six and your dilation shows that we are moving closer … note to self:
Facing the Wall (7×7)
you astonish after only one falling away programmed from within you appear to have been the tail no longer needed lost in all-or-none fashion
Facing the Wall (8×8)
which of you will be the one that evading prunings yet to come will persist I ask you has it already been decided from within I cannot tell which you are I know only what you are … notes to self:
The wall of animations below begins an online work, its as yet unknown outcome will inevitably be traceable back to painting as its building blocks are the gif animations derived from numerous paintings. This work runs alongside the studio paintings and other works in progress.
Unfolding Pictopoiesis
I have taken the leporello (concertina) format and developed it by a double folding into a map-like foldable/unfoldable. I would call it a double leporello map. It has the feel of being both a map and a book. This is very pleasing to me. More than this, it offers a grid-like structure of cells which I can annotate. […]