
Parrhesia – such a wonderful word/concept to explore on all levels. For example, the tension in “to speak candidly or to ask forgiveness for so speaking” is relevant to the painting’s existence and how it has come about, as I understand it. Header image and below, detail of a recent painting (oil on aluminium approx 125 […]

Macrocosmic, Microcosmic

Timelapse of the future (video) As if through a window, a single point then line, a universe, and back again – animated sketch of a single line drawing: note to self: The universe inside the black dot/macrocosm, microcosm

Random Motion

Following on from the previous post: The drawing in oil on card above was created with the discarded material from a painting: The marks, though randomly made, never-the-less seem to be a self-organising whole. It makes me wonder, is the ultimate state of everything disorder (entropy) or is it actually order arising out of a […]

Order and Disorder

Header and above images: Drawing in Random Mode, oil on card by JWR  Aeon online: The music of all time is a duet between order and disorder?