
as an extension to the continued first tutorial with Jonathan Kearney I add to the sentences so far: (the painting progresses further, header image detailing line) Sentences on the line by J Waring Rago: (second draft) a line is a dot which has grown straight lines suggest structure, particularly lines in parallel an edge is usually […]

First Tutorial with Jonathan Kearney (further reflections)

Jonathan drew my attention to some of the Sentences on  Conceptual Art by Sol Lewitt  -in particular sentences 19, 20 and 21, copied below. This interests me in that these come straight from the artist.  The sentences themselves are food for thought, as is also the idea of making a list of sentences about my own […]

HYBRIDS – fields of experiment

So far in these reflections, I have wanted to extend the introduction of my painting to better evidence where I am coming from with respect to it, at the same time building an interface with the digital. Thinking now about my contribution to our first group exhibition coming up on 1st December at 2 Girls Gallery; […]


Above, the whole painting as it is now – I think about halfway along, perhaps more. I see it as being now fully a body, I see it as cultivated to a point where, if it were a biological entity, it could sustain the combined life-support functions normally carried out by separate organs such as […]

To do is to make, is to be

I feel that things are beginning to confirm themselves, clarifying the direction of my project – I am beginning to structure the proposal and shall write it up in a post soon. Jonathan’s Methodology lecture has helped in clarifying some matters that had been going around without anchor, in my mind for a long time, years […]

I made it so

the painting continues:   I see the painting is beginning to come into itself – I am more and more wrapped up in it. Take a step back – we become too bound up in each other and I have to stay in control of this.   Capture it, transfer it to this screen – […]

Microcosm, Macrocosm

The translucent spheroids are one of the means by which the painting’s narrative is made; they are as permeable veils connecting all directions and planes, so contributing to the sense of depth. I also begin to see these same spheroids as lenses – as if a plano-convex lens were pressed to the surface to reveal […]

Primary Field

The following post is a reflection on an earlier draft post I was unable to complete at the time. I would like to share it rather than forget it –   Returning to this primary field: First body completed by Blue Blue is a person? an organ of this body sky of its land   An instant, […]

Free Education exhibition

At the very beginning of term, I sent a small scale experimental gif as a submission to the Central St Martins UAL Students Union call for exhibits for their current FREE EDUCATION protest and exhibition at the CSM SU Gallery The work was selected and I was able to participate and connect without the immense task […]

Becoming itself

In the studio: The painting has progressed and been photographed at each phase. I now have a procession of images – and am currently processing them – I choose this word having still in mind Tuesday’s online Processing workshop (see page titled Processing in this blog) The animation below begins to unfold the picture’s narrative further […]