
Why symmetry gets really interesting to physics when it is broken. What principle(s) underlying physics also underpin the painting? Considering symmetry in contemplating the animation – to try to decode and further explicate pictopoiesis:

For every atom belonging to me

image: collage of the Six Persimmons at its current stage, four different orientations and below, animation across the picture plane rather than into it: The painting’s atoms-like look makes me think of Whitman’s opening line for Song of Myself: I CELEBRATE myself, and sing myself, And what I assume you shall assume, For every atom […]

And another link

Link to Edmark M. Law’s interesting and lively blog, Learn Fun Facts I follow his blog; latest post concerning the letter M, which I alighted on as a (kind of) inversion of the letter W at the end of writing in this recent post.

And then I remembered

“And then it struck me” (previous post). I knew that phrase but couldn’t remember exactly from where, and then I remembered that is was from the famous Negative Capability letter of John Keats”. The notion of Negative Capability is something which I have applied to my painting, in pictopoiesis, and I wrote about this in […]

And then it struck me…

  I took the photo of the cage with a background of the surface of the table on which I do my paintings. For no other reason than that is was convenient to do so, or was there actually another reason? –  in the form of an awareness which made me feel that this was […]

Opening the door of the cage

  Painting in progress (header image) I have written about pictopiesis as a simplification, there is a filtering and distilling going on throughout. The synthesis, a sublation, is a simplification but not an over-simplification, as that would eventually lead nowhere if followed through. I am in a situation with the painting whereby it has an internal pictopoietic dialectic. […]

Pictopoiesis and Artificial Intelligence

Reading this article, I am wondering if a program for pictopoietic thinking could ever be conceived, perhaps hypothetically. The thing is, pictopoietic thinking is living thinking, and a computer is not alive. Meanwhile, I shall carry on trying to explicate pictopoiesis and its elements as best I can. Today, in and out of the studio. The days are […]

The blind spot

I am thinking that in this article is correspondence with an essential principle underlying pictopoiesis: that the material reality of the painting and its beginnings with the fundamental building blocks (the black dot “atom”), is what the painting all works back to, and traceably so.  In fact, how closely this principle of pictopoiesis, of material connection with source and origin, […]

Intellectualism and Inspiration

Image: Oil, graphite, pencil and pigment on paper by JWR some correspondence with Agnes Martin: Art ‘Requires a Relaxation of Control’: How Agnes Martin Gave Up Intellectualism to Harness Her Inspiration